She told me last night that she didn't think I would "give a shit" about her sexting. Which shows how far checked out she was, and how little she believed that I cared about her at the time of the affair.
While I agree with what blue said about this, I think of it slightly differently.
This is very likely what she told herself. I have never heard a ws say much different in this way. The narrative that someone tells themselves to justify what they are doing.
I do think that most also tell themselves that their bs doesn’t care, doesn’t love them, won’t find out. We minimize consequences and maximize things that give us the green light.
So I agree with blue it’s bullshit but this early out she likely doesn’t yet recognize that it is bullshit. It’s part of the unwinding that one does after believing these false narratives to justify their actions.
I personally think you need to stop focusing on the outcome of the relationship and just relax into both of you getting help. If that help includes knowing what the divorce would look like so you can be making financial decisions and such that will allow for it, that’s not the same as wanting a divorce.
Here is a typical time frame that I notice seems to be average for people after reading here for almost 8 years
Months 1-6 bs is in shock, disoriented, is in early stages of grieving such as denial and bargaining. Ws is confused, not fully engaged, andstill clinging to justifications. For me, it was that I claimed my husband withheld emotional connection. Reality? I had no idea how to foster connection and probably only had a minor sense of what it looked like.
Months 6-9 anger. The bs typically follows the grieving process along and is finally angry. This is a higher vibrational feeling and feels good. Around this time a ws who has been working on things will be more aware their justifications are bullshit, maybe taking more accountability, and are getting to the remorse stage. Not all ws get there. But basically that first bit of time there are all these huge feelings about what they have done and how you are reactinibg that they don’t get past guilt and shame. Guilt and shame are useful for some period of time but Blevins stuck and consumed by them will not allow them to get to remorse. Remorse comes when there is enough space freed up to start understanding and taking in your pain.
Months 10-12 kind of a settling in, a lot of the discovery and questions are over. Disorientation subsides and for a bs who has been working on themselves the investment of what the outcome of the relationship starts to wane towards they are tired and just want to be happy.
The second year can go a lot of ways. Many bs reach the plain of lethal flatness (that’s what they call it around here) where you find yourself numb, burned out, and checked out in some of the ways your ws was in the beginning. The ws is either getting it or they are not but your moods no longer depend on them as much. I think by the end of the second year some people feel like reconciling is starting to occur or for others that starts in year three. For some not at all.
Now of course these are averages and generalizations, Everyone is different and some stages can be shorter or longer. I only wrote it because I think what you will learn in time is these are very early days. You don’t know what to want, she doesn’t either. What this stage requires is space and time. Not for the ws but for you. You are not ready to D, very rarely would a bs be at this point. You also are not ready to R any more than she is. You are not healthy right now, you are grieving.
This doesn’t mean you can’t detach or separate, especially if more info or activity occurs. But what I want you to hear, is cut yourself some slack. It will be some time to find your footing again. Perhaps during that time your wife’s progress will show that you can work on the marriage. But by focusing on your own healing you will stay in tune with yourself and right now that is what is needed.
For my what it’s worth, my husband did have us draw up divorce papers around month 10. We never filed them but it gave him a sense of security at least knowing what that might look like. We just did it with the packet and discussion and came to our own agreements. That may be less as useable for you as we no longer had kids at home, and we could both support ourselves without the other.
[This message edited by hikingout at 4:59 PM, Wednesday, January 15th]