Okay, I haven't posted a thread in a while. Still getting used to the new site. Old dog, new tricks and all of that. Well, I had to update you on my divorce proceedings. Things are progressing slowly, as my STBXWW is slower than a shit through a long dog, but movement there is...
So I get a text from STBXWW asking if she can call me to clarify some tax stuff. You know, information that I had already sent her. Once on the phone, I told her that she already had it, and would you believe it? Yup, found it right away. So before I hang up, I ask if that's all? Funny I should ask...
She asks me if the party room in my complex is open?
No, I respond. Still closed due to covid.
Oh, she says.
Why, I ask? Stupid, stupid me!
Turns out, my STBXWW needs a venue to host her boyfriend's birthday party, and because they are antivaxxers, they need to show proof of vaccination to rent a public space, plus are limited to 50 people. If I was drinking, I would have spit my drink out.
That's too bad I respond. Yup, she says, it's a big birthday, his 60th... Oh, I respond. I Didnt realize your boyfriend was that old... cover mouthpiece and chortle.
Not age shaming, just that I'm certain that my STBXWW imagined a single life where beefy 30 year old men would be orbiting her like the moons of Jupiter, that life would be some never ending adventure because, well she's so hot and deserves it. Reality, not so much. I mean, the market value for a 52 year old serial cheater is slightly more limited than she expected. Cue Karma bus.
Now, no disrespect to older guys, as I am one and past my best before date. I'm just pointing out the disconnect between her imagined single life and her real one. But what really got me was that she was actually asking her STBXBH if he could host a birthday party for her new boyfriend and 48 of his closest unvaccinated friends.
Sorry, I said.
Thanks, but if you think of anything, can you let me know.
Yeah, you bet....