I’m on week 4 of officially deciding to divorce and giving WH the papers- which he is delaying signing but he’s on a work trip.
I’m relieved, empty, sad, scared, hopeful, anxious and at peace all at the same time.
I had therapy for the first time since this latest discovery yesterday and it put a lot into perspective for me.
I think after almost 20 years of this nonesense I am finally ready to put it to rest. As in, I am truly stepping forward with ending this marriage and going full force into healing myself.
I don’t think I did that that first betrayal (10 years ago) I think I expected him to recover, make it up to me and to find a way to stay together.
Now I know that is not truly possible. He’d have to put in so much work in such a monumental way and I’m not waiting around to see if that happens.
Trying to stay strong with no contact. I really want to move through this pain and find out who I am without this struggle in my life.
The start of this new beginning is painful, I know I need to just keep moving in the right direction and not let the pain derail me.