Thank you everyone, you all speak such sense.
HINHF - you've hit the nail on the head when you say I'm holding onto what I thought I had, not what I actually have. It really has become toxic as hell. We had a genuinely brilliant marriage pre A, and I miss the fairy tale I thought we had.
He had everything and it still wasn't enough. He had a beautiful devoted wife (his words), two amazing caring daughters, a lovely home (we'd only moved the year before) and the career he's always wanted.
I can't get my head round why on earth he threw it all away and risked literally everything, even his job and our home, for some cheap, immature, trashy, heartless nobody. All because she stroked his frail little child-like ego. It's pathetic.
SS33 - Separation is feasible to a degree. I work full time and would be entitled to a small amount of benefits, so believe I could survive on my own. WH on the other hand would really, really struggle financially (I know it shouldn't be a concern on mine but he's still the father of my children, I can't help but worry).
Trapped74 - I am deeply concerned about his escalating anger, and so is he. In all our years together, this man has never even so much as raised his voice to me. And now he's punching walls and breaking shit?! It's bewildering to say the least! A friend of mine believes he's on the verge of a mental breakdown.
TISL - your words make perfect sense to me. "It was UGLY and it was not RECONCILIATION."
What we have now, IS ugly. It's hideous. We've both said awful things to eachother, and it's just not who I am. It's not who he is either (well I'm not sure who he is tbh, I thought he was faithful and loyal but I was wrong).
We both do need a break. It's just so hard with the kids. They will be broken and I can't seem to bring myself to do that to them, if it's only temporary for a break. He actually left us during the A for the AP, as he thought she was "the one". Reality sunk in very quickly a week later, and he was back. But they've been hugely affected. The eldest starts high school next month, I can't face putting more on her 😪
Did you attempt IHS at all?
Annb - "My WH did everything right, dumped OW, found another job, was completely transparent,..... except he tried to protect himself instead of having empathy for what he did to me by just telling me the truth." This explains my WH exactly.
He went NC, moved jobs, came off any social media, is fully accountable. But when it comes to the truth, he seemingly can't do it. And instead of thinking of ME I.e. "I'm worried that my wife will never trust another human being if I continue to lie", his thought process is "I'm worried the next thing I tell her will tip her over the edge and I'll lose the marriage". This isn't empathy, it's still selfishness and deceit.
He really has destroyed my faith in humanity at this point. If we don't work out, I will never love anyone again. I'm only 38, and have a very kind sad is that? 😔
BrokenheartedUK - I was seeing a counsellor and had some EMDR therapy. But we couldn't afford the costs any longer. The NHS in my area doesn't offer counselling services, only CBT. Which is definitely not what I need!
"If your WS is still lying about little (and big) information, you can’t continue to live under the same roof." Indeed little and big things. The little things are for example, him hiding the fact that one evening on a late shift he popped round to hers to collect a chilli she had made him for dinner. He omitted this because he knows I'm a very passionate cook and have always sort of prided myself in feeding him and our kids really great food. It's my "thing". So he hid him letting her cook him a chilli for work (from a jar, apparently it was incredibly tasteless with zero spice 😒 she was an armature who lived like a uni student), because he felt this was too "wifely" for me to stomach. Does it hurt, knowing this? Yes. I won't lie, it pisses me off. They only knew eachother for a few weeks and are suddenly playing boyfriend and girlfriend. BUT is it the be all and end all? Of course not. He had sex with someone else repeatedly and told her he loved her. If I can try and R with that, I can get over the damn chilli 🤬
"You say he’s empathetic about the A, but is he really??" I don't know anymore. We still talk about the A every day, and as long as it doesn't turn into my quest for the truth (and by that i mean me digging and digging and digging), he appears beyond remorseful. He never huffs when I ask questions, he checks on me throughout the days, he will make time at work to slink off for an hour and phone me when I'm upset or have more questions. He'll stay up until the early hours answering my questions and going into great detail about why he became such a monster. But yet he still lies?
Bor9455 -memory certainly IS a funny thing! But quality I could never forget a wagyu steak either 🤤 the A was only 3 months long, but it was incredibly tense. He's surprisingly not claimed to forget much at all. And when he has, we've got the calendar out and gone through bank statements etc. I easily accept when he says he can't remember, so I find it odd that he hasn't used this an excuse much at all 🤔. At this point, he maintains that I know everything he has previously omitted that has been at the fore front of his mind. He says as the A was only 3 months, there is always going to be a point when everything is out and he isn't hiding anything more. I do see where he's coming from but I still feel there is some further details he's omitted on purpose. He is still writing the timeline, and says he will come forward with anything else he remembers or correct any other details he's preciously lied about. He also wants to the take a polygraph to confirm there's nothing he has knowingly lied about.
Edie - My indeed ☹
You pose some excellent questions. What is my truth? I would like to become the person I was before the A. I want to wake up without the feeling of dread. I want to be able to concentrate on the books I've bought to try and heal myself. I want to be able to look at old pictures of our girls, and not feel sad. I want to be a more present mum. I want to have anything in my head other then the A and the damage he's done.
I just can't see how to get there.
The1stWife - "I don’t think in 2 months you are going to get what you need." You're right, two months is no where nearly enough.
"He appears to have some serious issues that causes him to lie. " I agree, I think his lying is deeply, deeply ingrained. He even remembers the first time he ever really told his mum a lie. He stole a little toy from another child and gave it to his mum as a present. A while later, a notice was put in the school news letter and his mum asked whether it was the same one he'd given her. He said he felt terrified of being found out, of disappointing his mum. So he lied. He said he knew his mum knew the truth, and instead of encouraging him to come clean with reassurances she will still love him, she just accepted his lie, when it was clear she knew the truth. He hasn't had some awful upbringing, but he had been raised with some damaging family dynamics where he felt he had to lie to keep up appearances of being the perfect little boy and honesty was never a core value.
I pity him in a way 😔 I really don't know if any of this is worth it anymore.