Welcome to SI. This is going to be a rough journey for you. There is a lot going on here, and the affair(s) are really just a symptom of something more going on. Not to sugarcoat it, you are completely out of control at the moment. The number of websites you are on, the number of people you are talking to and sleeping with, and I'm sure what you've described here are just the highlights. I'm certain you must have gotten tons of replies from other men, and how many of those men were able to see racy photos of you, or talk to you, or talk about your marriage problems with you? There just seem to be no existing boundaries right now, and you seem desperate for attention, and perhaps revenge.
I would strongly suggest seeing an IC if you aren't already, and please be honest with him about what's going on with you. This isn't about your marriage anymore. In order to get this out of control, there has to be a lack of dignity, of self-respect, of morality, of empathy, of pride, of decency... you lack these things for yourself, and for those around you. I don't say that in order to put you down or shame you, not at all. Rather, I want you to observe yourself and your responses/behaviors and recognize in yourself what is missing.
Did you dream of one day growing up, getting married and being a cheater?
When you think about the things you've done, does it fill you with a sense of pride and worth?
If you have kids, would you hope they observe you and act the same way when they get married?
Would you encourage your married friends to do the same things you've done so they can be as happy as you are right now?
Do you go to bed every night knowing you've been the best person you can be, and having done the best you can every day?
If the answers to those questions are "no", then it's time to start digging deep and figuring out who you really are and what you really want to be in life. Because living our lives inauthentically, well... it sucks. It doesn't feel good to be a liar and betrayer. It doesn't feel good to look at your intimate partners and realize that you just an easy mark for them.
There is something more here that you need to find and explore in therapy. In my experience, most people who discover that their spouses are looking at porn don't typically respond by joining multiple cheating sites and engaging in multiple, physical and emotional affairs. That kind of reaction seems to indicate that a "trigger" took place in you, something that reminded you of previous trauma. Were you ever cheated on in prior relationships, or grown up in a family where the adults were cheaters? Were you ever sexually molested or attacked? Were you ever abandoned or neglected? Whatever it was, something has thrown you far off the deep end. You should figure out what that is, so you can get back on track.
It is good that you quit those sites and turned down your dates. As mentioned before, please stop saying things such as, "I'm not sure how to block them". You do. And if you really don't, Google can tell you how in a matter of seconds. Block them, on your phone, on your social media, disable (and save to show your BS) any fake email or social media accounts you use, DO NOT stop to say goodbye to anyone first, and do it now.
Here's part 2, and you aren't going to like it. You simply MUST tell your spouse what has been going on. Understand that you have been stealing his agency, his choice in the matter, to stay with you, the cheating spouse. You could have exposed him to STI's. You could have exposed him to Covid. One of the other men could go "Fatal Attraction" on him and attack him. If nothing else, he is walking around telling you how much he loves you while you are busy stabbing him in the back! You keep making decisions for him, deceiving and lying to him in order to achieve the outcome that you want, which seems to be that you want him to stay and take care of you, love you, be your rock while you offer none of that in return. Doesn't he deserve to be married to someone who loves and respects and appreciates him enough to be honest and open with him? Someone not being cruel to him? Don't you deserve the same in your life?
Again, I am not saying these things to injure you or insult you. I'm a wayward too, I've betrayed and lied and manipulated and destroyed my marriage just like you have, and I have gone through the painful process of living with, and working to repair, that mess that I created. I've been in therapy forever, and have had to dig really deep into my past and deal with some tough issues in order to understand how I got so out of control. But it was worth it. My marriage is better today for it, so is my life, and my sanity and peace. You will never be happy in your marriage until you are happy with yourself. So you have to start there. You have to stop being out of control, and look at those questions I asked above, and figure out how to change your life so that it will match the answers you want it to.
[This message edited by DaddyDom at 9:41 PM, Friday, January 28th]