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Newest Member: chronicHopelessromantic

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 Shehawk (original poster member #68741) posted at 5:04 PM on Thursday, February 20th, 2025

I saw an interesting tik online video and I wonder what people think about this…

The poster was talking about "amplification". In other words, that people can become more of what they (are but changing who people are at their core is very different…)

As an example, a person might be genuinely kind or faithful or a good listener. And those are things that can grow and the person turns out to be a good partner.

I am in a relationship now with someone who shows up for work, buys cards and flowers, shares domestic labor, and expresses appreciation. The relationship is not an uphill battle. It’s generally peaceful and supportive.

I have friends who randomly drop off soup they made or text to see if I want to do errands with them (that’s a Midwest thing I think). They bake gluten free things for my birthday and drop off balloons and remember the kinds of things I need and like.

I see a lot of people in SI (both BS and former WS) being consistently genuinely kind and helpful to other people. And I am impressed by their talents and achievement. Things like jobs, taking care of family and friend, cooking, gardening, travels, and so many other things.

They make the world a better place.

Seeing that video yesterday just made me think…

"It's a slow fade...when you give yourself away" so don't do it!

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