I am new here. Now I am apparently in my 'writing it all down, it helps' era.
You have no idea how many times I have heard this so called 'advice' from friends, family and therapists. So I thought fuck it ill give it a try.
FYI I do swear, apologies now if this offends anybody but I'm a grown up so hey, look away! I will most likely experience every emotion known to man and am and always will be, brutally honest. No sugar-coating here I'm afraid.
So long story short. Fiancé of two years, been together 20, absolute love of my life, childhood sweetheart, father of my children, one with additional needs may I add. Suffered some kind of mental breakdown or fell into the deep dark hole that is depression and embarked on a journey of self discovery. Going for regular haircuts, buys new clothes, eats perfectly, counting calories. He then began exercising every day religiously, got a gorgeous new set of abs and arms to die for. He started socialising more with his friends. Great I may hear you say? Not so much for me as you will go on to learn. The exercise lead to what I believe is now body dysmorphia. Which triggered the depression making it a shit ton worse. I booked therapy that he didn't go to. Doctors appointments, he didn't attend and held him whilst he cried many many nights in a row. How silly do I feel now?
Anyway...he then chose to begin an affair with somebody from said gym. Lovely......
Her husband was very keen to share all of the evidence with me of the countless messages and pictures between them and I have had felt nauseous along side every other emotion known to man/woman/child ever since.
I knew about this woman. I had gone looking. I knew her name, where she worked, what car she drove and what she did in her spare time (I know, modern day Sherlock Holmes) and most importantly I knew she had her own HUSBAND. I found messages. Questioned, it was all denied and I was gaslight to fuckery. I kept a very close eye on them both until, I woke up one morning to find a friend and message request from a name with a surname I immediately recognised. The husband. My stomach fell out of my arse and my whole body was shaking so much I couldn't hold my phone straight. FUCK. I knew EXACTLY what this is all about. My intuition and gut feeling was spot on. I was hoping that it was only something silly like inappropriate messages maybe a dick/boobs pic worst case scenario? Nope. A full blown affair. Messaging for 6 months, slept together once. They now have a connection and feelings for each other. How romantic. (Note the sarcasm)
I got all the details from him, from the husband and then from her (when she finally plucked the courage to reply to my messages....coward) it happened once. Sexually that as. Both agreed but I can never be certain. As if this makes is better in any way. They both stressed that it was never going to lead to anything and that they were chasing temporary happiness. Apparently they had become great friends who shared similar interests and obviously found each other attractive. Now the 'great friend' part actually did made me laugh. She's never been round for dinner? She doesn't come to our children's birthday parties. And I can assure you, we have never received a bloody Christmas card from her! So that is not what I call a good friend in my eyes. I think he was a bit confused, bless his heart. Somebody jumping on your penis to get revenge on her own cheating husband, is not what a good friend does. You would offer a hug, a shoulder to cry on or possibly even a tissue to mop up the tears.
I find my local butcher handsome, but do I and would I want to do the naked dance of love with him? Absolutely not. I am as loyal as they come. Although his profession and the set of skills he has acquired may come in useful if I were ever in need of disposing of a body. I joke! Honest....
You may be able to tell that I am injecting humour into this because this is the only way I can physically and mentally cope with this. It feels as though I have been pushed into a room, had a grenade thrown at me and then left to pick up the pieces alone. The reality is that I am completely broken. Mind, body and soul. I am having therapy twice a week. Am on medication for depression and anxiety. I am not sleeping and my doctor wants me to take more meds for that. I am scared of everything, even leaving my own house. Terrified of what the future brings. We were engaged and planning our dream wedding. I feel at though everything is tainted (his body and our relationship), everything has been ruined and I've lost our future that we have planned and worked so hard for. I am completely distraught and not functioning at all. I am dragging myself up every morning to be a mum to two children who miss their daddy. Trying to navigate my own heartbreak is nothing like trying to help children through it when they only know that mummy and daddy are having some space because sometimes grown ups need time to process things. One of this things about a child with autism, trying to explain reasons why can be extremely difficult and therefore even more challenging. They are heartbroken too. I have been signed off work for over two months now due to stress. I have lost over two stone in weight and I am a shell of a person now. Which I am sure many of you can understand well. Day after day, night and day, I feel sick. Tight chest, nausea, aches and pains and all I do is cry. I have never cried so much as I have the last two months. I wave the kids off to school and I sob. Lay in bed and sob.
My heart and head are in two different places. He is undergoing therapy himself but not once has he said that he wants to try and put things right. He says that he is broken himself and needs to work on himself to be the man I deserve. I feel as though this is a nice way of finalising things but he hasn't said that. I believe he is sorry, I believe that he is remorseful. But he did it consciously. Knowing I was onto him, it carried on. He regrets it. HE said that he got caught up in something because he was so unhappy and low in himself that she made him distracted and feelings grew, only to look back now and realise it was more infatuation due to the secrets and excitement. I don't know if that is true also. You cannot blame mental health for these things but I do know they can cloud your judgement.
I feel I have a lot of love for him. But I do not know how I will ever get over this.
Any advice on anybody who has had anything similar or has any tips on how to pull myself together would be so grateful.