Yes, I did this too. And yes, I broke my own unverbalized "rules" too frequently to count. One of the things my therapist said to me over and over again was that if I had a hard and fast rule, requirement, whatever you want to call it - no matter how pissed off I was and how slighted I felt or how I felt that in comparison to my WH's total lack of morality that my moral high ground required a telescope to see it - that I was setting myself up for repetitive disappointment by not verbalizing what I needed. And, that I could not expect my WH to abide by something, even if it seemed "obvious" to me, unless I said it out loud to him (I have learned this to be true - things that seem obvious to me are sometimes head scratchers to him - we think very differently and are upset by very different things a lot of times).
But, here's the kicker (and where I am going to suggest that you might really be). She also said:
Perhaps I had not said these things out loud to my WH - the ultimatums, because I was not ready to actually enforce them.
I think my therapist was onto something. Yes, I agree with Blue in that had I said the ultimatums out loud and then failed to enforce them, that lack of action would undercut the image I was trying to portray to my WH - that I was all business, when in reality, I was not. But, while she said it was okay to not be ready to enforce these ultimatums, that I was causing myself extra strife I did not need by feeling shitty about me for NOT enforcing them (and berating myself for not being the anti-infidelity-badass I so wanted to be), that I was likely better served thinking about why I had not said them out loud, and being honest with myself about what I was willing to put up with and why. Then the homework: to make a list of what I actually wanted my WH to do, and what my badass-superhero-self would do if that want did not happen - side by side against the honest, what I would likely do (or what I had been doing) if my want did not occur. Then, to think about why there was such a difference between them? And what, in lieu of "I'm done" was I going to do when one of my wants/needs from the list did not happen. What was the alternative?
Then finally to make a list of what I absolutely must have - and what I would do if I didn't get it. What on my list meant I was done - 100% done and over, if anything. My final list was super short as it turned contained "end the A or I'm leaving" and that was really it. The rest of his shitty moods, dismissive bullshit - at that time I knew I was wiling to stick it out through for awhile longer. The reality was there was very little I wasn't willing to endure. So then, the real, real, super-real question, was why?
This was NOT an easy process, and to be honest, I found myself feeling anonymously peer pressured into being a lot more bad ass than I was - by well meaning people on this site no less. Sounds so dumb in hindsight, but I didn't want to be the person on this site coming back and admitting time and time again the next bought of shitty behavior I endured from my WH, the next boundary I didn't enforce, the next "failure" to be that infidelity-badass I imagined myself as becoming. Give yourself a break - and then get honest with yourself. It's a scary step (or it was for me) but it did help me think about things more realistically.
Food for thought anyway...
[This message edited by ThisIsSoLonely at 10:07 PM, Wednesday, May 29th]