Ex Army here. I did over 7 combat deployments in the thick of the war years, and a few euro rotations when those became the new thing.
So knowing what I know, I’m guessing she was not in a combat deployment, as those are rare nowadays, though it’s possible. I only make that distinction because there was a difference in my mental state while in combat vs my rotations. When getting bombed and all that constantly, people certainly used sex/cheating as an escape. It was rampant.
Euro/Korea rotation, there’s no real threat.
Nothing justifies her sleeping around no matter the circumstances, and with three different dudes? Naw man. That’s not a because of a deployment thing. That’s because she was one of a few women in an isolated environment, and she had opportunity. Probably in a way never before where she could pick and choose. You’re asking about circumstances deployed so I assume you haven’t been yourself.
You got a majority male unit, with less then %10 female, we used to call them deployment queens. You would see then walking around, with like their own private security detail of dudes who wanted to be "just friends." You don’t have integrity, and strict boundaries, then it’s a recipe for failure.
Long after post edit: I just wanted to say, the point of my post is that I know deployments and I know military culture. I’ve worked with all branches, and while the mission may be different, the culture is pretty ubiquitous. In my decade or so of being deployed in one way or another I have seen it all. My opinion, the deployment did not cause her or had anything to do with her hooking up with 3 dudes, it just gave her the opportunity. My wife cheated on me while I was deployed, because the opportunity was there.
Also, and of course you don’t have to disclose anything, but if she is an officer and the guys she hooked up with are enlisted she has opened a huge can of worms where if anyone finds out she will be given the boot. If she is an officer at all, she has jeopardized her career. Enlisted can usually get away with adultery, though not always. Especially if it’s a case of senior NCO and jr enlisted. Officers, especially those in rank of O3 and below, will usually not be spared if anything comes to light. So, she not only ruined her marriage, but she ruined her reputation (believe me the entire unit knows she hooked up), and put her career at serious risk.
[This message edited by HellIsNotHalfFull at 12:48 PM, Tuesday, April 16th]