Welcome to SI and so sorry that you've had to join us. There are some pinned posts at the top of the JFO (Just Found Out) forum that you may find helpful. Also, the Healing Library is a great resource - and it includes the list of acronyms we use.
Unfortunately, cheaters lie and lie, then lie some more. I doubt that this has been only within the last 7 years, and doubtful he didn't follow through with the escorts. Please both get checked for STDs/STIs because you don't want to find out that you've picked up something that could turn to cancer later. (It has happened.)
Please take care of yourself because infidelity is the worst. If you can, IC (Individual Counseling) with a betrayal trauma specialist can really be helpful.
He needs IC to work on his whys, and this can take awhile. He didn't make a mistake - he made deliberate, conscious decisions to betray you. For any excuse he has, it's really an excuse. If he wasn't happy in the M, he could have divorced first and then moved on.
How to Help Your Spouse Heal From Your Affair by Linda MacDonald is a very good reference that your WH (wayward husband) should read. Also, Not Just Friends by Dr. Shirley Glass is a good resource.
Frankly, if he's ignoring you about liking bounce houses on TikTok, he may not be fully invested in doing the work to become a safe partner. It's a lot of work and it is tough.
Keep posting and let us know what you need.
BW M 34years, Dday 1: March 2018, Dday 2: August 2019, D final 2/25/21