This is his pattern. You find something, and he gaslights you. You accept it,rugsweep,and he just continues.
He was flattered..and he didn't tell her he was with someone.
He's going to lock his phone,so you can't find everything else he's done, is doing,and will be doing.
It was a choice,not a mistake.'s clear you aren't going anywhere. He knows that. So this will continue.
What are you going to require this time? What boundaries are you setting?
What work is he doing to become a safe partner? Love bombing doesn't make him safe. And it certainly doesn't make you safe.
Don't marry this man. During the time,before marriage, he's already shown you who he is. If you marry him,it will be that much harder to leave him when he does it again.
Your requirements should,at minimum, be..
Full transparency. You get full access to all accounts and the phone. Passwords included.
Complete honesty.
Std tests(you too).
He answers all questions without anger or defensiveness. As often as you need to ask.
He gets IC to figure out why he cheated again.
Accountable for his time away from you.
And, he deletes his social media,since he uses that to talk to other women.
But, really, aren't you tired of this?
That this woman said exactly what he said means absolutely nothing. So what if he deleted her from Instagram? Who knows if they haven't been exchanging messages on another platform. Maybe it did happen as he said(still cheating)..or maybe he contacted her,and told her what to tell you.
The only thing you do know, is he can't be trusted. And that he's a cheater.
[This message edited by HellFire at 5:22 PM, Monday, December 11th]