Please, under no circumstances suppress your depression. Right now you are suffering,
and the last thing you need to worry about is being attractive to your WW. Get treatment foriyour depression, get on meds, eat healthy, and work out in order to balance your hormone levels. Depression is a real and treatable thing.
I was diagnosed with depression after dday#1 and put on meds. I was even given anti-anxiety tablets for emergency use. The first month after Dday, I ate the equivalent of a handful of nuts. I lost almost 25 pounds and could not get off the couch. I was suicidal and struggling.
To be honest, it's been so long now, that this period in my life is a blur. I'd need to sit down with journals and retrace what happened. Maybe forgetting is a good thing as it was the darkest time in my life.
I didn't get the real story on Dday#1 and attempted to heal myself based on the lies my WW was feeding me. I did pretty good focusing on my health. I worked out regularly, took time for myself, and rekindled friendships. When dday#2 hit, I was in a much better place in terms of emotional health. Thus,I responded not by being crushed, but in anger. I blew up the A to everyone and kicked my WW to the guest bedroom. Although I did not know about this site, I managed to do a few things right. I wish I would have gotten a timeline before offering R, but I didn't know they were a thing.
I gave my WW 6 months to prove to me that she was worth it. Before Dday, she was my everything. But now, I actively tried to detach from her as she finally wanted to save the M. Sadly, wanting to save the M was the only thing she did. She read no books, watched no videos, visited no websites other than those who helped cheaters get away with their infidelity without digging into her whys.
The really difficult thing for me was being around my source of trauma ever day. I remember waking up every morning, and for a split second, I felt normal, as if my whole life hadn't been destroyed. And then it would hit me. My heart broke in that second and I had to will myself through the day.
Detaching from my WW was critical for me. I enjoyed the period of HB, but I was not attracted to my WW anymore. She had become a thing I put my dick into. I know, not very healthy, but I wasctrying to fake it till I make it.
It wasn't until I took a week long trip just after the 6 month mark that I realized that my WW was no longer good enough for me, nor would she ever be able to do thecwork to become a safe, high quality partner. She just did not possess the raw materials to work with. Rather, she had always been a person that relied on others to bail her out, and now she would have needed to dig deep and find the moral fortitude to fix what she broke. I realized that I was no longer in love with her, nor had I ever been. I had loved the fictionalized version of her, the woman I had hoped I married.
You see, once I saw the real woman I was with, she just wasn't very attractive anymore, at least not to me. So after my trip, we had a conversation in which I told her we were done. It was the first time I had know peace in over 6 months. I slept like a baby. Sure, I grieved, but I knew I made the right decision.
I'm not saying you should D or R. That's up to you. You are atvtge beginning of your journey, and as you give us more information, we can offer more targeted advice. You've already been given advice, some of it contradictory, so take what you need and leave the rest. Rooting for you.