You need to give him some minimum requirements for you to consider attempting reconciliation.
At minimum he should..
Go NC with OW. If he works with her,he needs a new job.
He needs to be tested for stds. You too.
Write a full, complete,detailed timeline of the entire affair.
Be accountable for his time away from you.
Fully transparent. You get full access to all accounts and the phone. Passwords included.
Total honesty at all times.
He needs ic to figure out why he cheated.
He needs to answer all of your questions without anger or defensiveness.
He needs to understand you will ask the same questions over and over,for a very long time. This is how the brain processes trauma.
He needs to completely block her ability to contact him. If that means changing his number,and email, then he needs to do it.
He goes NC with any friends who knew of the affair.
He needs to be proactive in healing the damage he caused.
He needs to work on being a safe partner. Understand, than none if that looks like extra housework,love bombing, or being a father to his kids.
He needs to understand reconciliation is a process that takes years. The average time for healing is 3 to 5 years,and that can't start until you have the entire truth.
And anything else you need to begin to feel safe.
You need to understand that nothing you did,or didn't do,caused this.
You need to see an attorney to know your rights. It will help you feel better,and send a clear message to him that you staying isn't a given fact.
You need to call her husband and tell him. Do this without telling your husband. One, he will warn her. And, two,he's supposed to be NC, so if he says anything, you know he's talking to her.
You need to watch his actions. His words mean nothing. His actions will show if he is doing the work.
Also,IMO, its way to early to "trust but verify." You are days out from dday. There is no trust,and none should be extended. He's blown that to Hell. Right now,you should question everything. Trust is slowly restored,over time,through honest consistent, and remorseful actions.
Do NOT share this site with him.
[This message edited by HellFire at 3:42 PM, Monday, July 17th]